
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All about amplifiers

amplifier is a gadget that transfers an increasing sound of an instrument. Amplifiers are widely used in radios, television sets, microcomputers, guitars and other instruments of music. There are different kinds of amplifiers.

An amplifier is a gadget that transfers the increasing sound of an instrument. Amplifiers are widely used in radios, television sets, microcomputers, guitars and other instruments of music. There are many types of amplifiers which include the following: electronic, power vacuum or valve tube, video, music and many more.

Moreover, amplifiers have certain features that are important to consider. These features are gain, bandwidth, efficiency, linearity, noise, output dynamic range, slew rate, rise time, settling time and ringing, overshoot and lastly the stability factor. Nowadays, amplifiers normally refer to an ‘electronic amplifier’ that has an audio. Amplifiers also have an input frequency known as the ‘transfer function’. Amplifiers also have magnitudes of the transfer function that are called ‘gain’. An amplifier is a device that highlights the sound of any instrument.

Listed below are the features of an amplifier:

• Gain: The gain of an amplifier is the ratio of the output to the input power and is basically measured by the volume.

• Bandwidth: Bandwidths give the amplifier a ‘satisfactory performance’. This feature can also be defined as “the dissimilarity between the lower and upper half power points”. The half power points are located where the power goes down by half its peak value.

• Efficiency: This amplifier feature is measured by how much input power is usefully applied to the amplifier. The limit of an ordinary amplifier is that the amplifier has up to 50 percent efficiency. Class A amplifiers are useless. This is because the efficiency of this kind of gadget ranges from 20 up to 30 percent with a maximum percentage of 45. Class B amplifiers have extremely high efficiency.

• Noise: The noise is measured by the amount of noise the amplifier had launched. The noise is also measured by its volume and also known as the “peak output power” that is created by the amplifier.

• Output dynamic range: The output dynamic range that is frequently specified in amplifiers is between the minimum and prime functional output levels. The lowest functional level is limited by the output noise while the prime is limited by distortion.

• Slew rate: The rate modifies the output variable. Slew rates are usually quoted in volts per second. A lot of amplifiers are only limited to its slew rate. Thus, they are typically the impedance of a drive current having to overcome the capacitive effects. The slew rate may limit the full power of the bandwidth.

• Rise time: The rise time of an amplifier is the time taken for the output to change from 20 percent up to 90 percent on its final level by driving a step input.

• Settling time and ringing: The settling time and ringing is the time taken for the output to settle to a certain percentage of the final value. This is generally precise for oscilloscope vertical amplifiers and has a high accuracy measurement system. Ringing refers to an output that cycle its final value while its final value had been delayed.

• Overshoot: It is the amount of output exceeded to its final and steady-state value.

• Stability factor: Stability factors are a main concern in RF and microwave amplifiers. The stability degree of an amplifier can be regarded by a so-called stability factor.

Listed below are several types of Amplifiers.

Electronic amplifier: This type of amplifier is a gadget that is normally used in radios, televisions, guitars, microcomputers and other instruments. An electronic amplifier may be considered as a device used for modulating the output of a power supply.

Power amplifier: This particular kind of amplifier is used in taking a signal from a source gadget and making it appropriate for a powerful loudspeaker. The purpose of this power amplifier is to take a weak signal and make it a strong one, which should be enough to drive a powerful speaker. The units of power amplifiers are known as watts. Power amplifiers also have a power rating. The power rating is present in various types of amplifiers. Power amplifiers are the ones that typically need the most attention towards the power.

Vacuum Amplifier: This type of amplifier is also called a valve tube amplifier. It is a gadget that is used to create an electrical signal by controlling the function of electrons in a low-pressure space. A vacuum or valve amplifier is much more cost efficient in a high power application such as ‘radar’ counter measures equipment or communication equipment. A vacuum or valve tube amplifier also has an application of pre-dated electronics. Electronics is determined as a mechanical computer like slide that rules to the peak of obsolescence.

Operational amplifier: operational amplifiers are also called “Op-amps”. This kind of amplifier has a solid state of integrated circuit amplifiers that is used in order to control any outside feedback. Operational amplifiers must contain a high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a degree of difference in its inputs and a normally single output. Usually, the output of this kind of amplifier is controlled by a negative feedback that has a large verified degree of its output voltage. Op-amps have the most widely used electronic gadget. This kind of amplifier is also the most used by consumers. Operational amplifiers are used as an industrial and scientific gadget.

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